So this is my third and final post of the night! I really need to post more often so that I don't have so much to do at one time!!
This is Laynie and Riley on New Year's Eve...right before they went to bed at 8:30. My girls are party animals.
These are just a few random ones of the girls...

Hope you enjoyed all the pictures! I also wanted to talk about something (I rarely just talk on here, mainly because my thoughts usually come out all jumbled up) that I was wondering if any other LP moms (or Dads) think about. I was watching a DVD of pictures from my cousin's wedding the girls were in and was reminded of something. I met a girl at the rehearsal (she was the sister of the groom, my cousin was the bride) who had a baby who was 6 months old. Peyton was over by her, and I noticed that when the boy was standing up, they were just about the same height (Pey was 17 months at the time) was a little upsetting to me. It's always striking for me to have that moment when I realize how much shorter Peyton's easy to forget about it. Anyways, I went over to talk to the girl and within a few minutes she was asking me about Peyton. I never asked how she knew, I assume my cousin told her. I thought it was so nice of her to come right out and talk to me about it. I always feel like everyone thinks I'll get upset or embarrassed if they bring it up. Like it's a taboo subject. And it isn't for me, not at all. It is who Peyton is and I wouldn't change her if I could. Back to my story...I told you I can't just the wedding Peyton was dancing up a storm, and gaining quite a bit of attention from everyone. I was standing watching her, with the same girl, and about 3 times people came over to me and asked how old she was, and then said the typical "oh she's so little!" "she's so cute and petite!" comments that I hear everywhere I go. The girl looked at me after the last one walked away and just said "Does that get old??" I tell you at that moment I loved her. It was so refreshing to have someone who wasn't afraid to say something. Anyway...I was just wondering if anyone else feels the same? Like you just wish people would be more open and not act like it's something bad that you want to avoid talking about. For us, it's just Peyton. I don't want her difference to define her, but I don't want to pretend it doesn't exist either. We do have some friends that talk and ask about it, and I'm glad for that. Let's face it, unless you know someone with dwarfism you likely know very little about it. I know I knew nothing! So please, just ask...I don't mind, I promise. Ok, I'm done. From now on I will stick with simple pictures!!
Great pics!!! I liked the smurf one.
Great post and adorable pics of the girls!! I have mixed feelings about the whole dwarfism topic. The only comments I ever get are..a) he's going to be so smart since he has such a big head b) he's so cute or c) just stare. How nice to have someone not in your shoes to be able to talk openly about it. I never know how to approach the subject if it isn't brought up....
It's tough...some days I can deal with the questions and some days I get mad. I just don't understand how people can stare a baby/child!!!
I guess if it's asked in an intelligent and sensitive manner and see no problems with people asking.
When we get those comments now, i just come right out and say it, "He will always be little, he has dwarfism." 99% of the time, people are interested and want to know more about it. It took me a long time to be able to do that, but now I walk away from the conversation feeling great that I helped educate someone else. I know people always want to pity us, but I absolutely refuse to let that happen. We talk about it with anyone who will listen, and let them know that he is amazing the way he is!
I just wanted to say I love reading all your comments! Alex - I know what you mean about people staring at a child, do they not realize how that would feel? I would rather have someone say something rather than do that. At least that way, if it's in a nice way, I can respond, if it's not, I can decide to respond if I want to. Emily - about the pity thing, that's how I feel when people don't say something, like they are thinking "oh how sad for them." I guess that's a big thing for me, I'd rather know what people are thinking rather than try to figure it out! Katie - when laynie was little her head was pretty big (not like Peyton's obviously), and we had a neighbor who would always comment on it. I was always like - why do you think that's a nice thing to say to someone??
I also wanted to say (I know, get off my own blog already!) that I know some parents may feel the opposite from me, and I completely respect that! I don't in any way think it's bad if others are more comfortable not talking about it.
Great post. First, I love the pics and your girls are gorgeous!! I love the comment about them staying up for new years..till 8:30. I am also jealous that you are so close the the beach. One day we are going to make our way down there and will have to meet up with you! As for the comments/questions. I agree. I don't get a lot yet because Kaela's form doesn't show up as much now as it will later. I do however get some comments and most often comments about her back. It's curved to a point you can tell now even with clothes on it sticks out a bit. I like the people that just see her for her and it's not a big deal. I don't mind when people are open and ask. I think I prefer that much more then stares and wondering eyes :) I am happy to brag about my kids to anyone at anytime...even if we are educating people.
i just read your're funny. I also agree that I wonder why people think some things are okay to say. It just seems so weird. Even to say things like 'wow she's/he's really small. Why do people feel the need to state the obvious. I mean we don't walk up to people who are overweight and say wow, you're fat? I just don't understand some people's logic. I'd much rather them ask questions too then stare...I can be a bit of a snot sometimes too if people stare too much :) okay I'll get off your blog, I know I have my own.
Love your new pictures! I wish we could wear short sleves and go to a beach this time of year.
I can understand what you mean. Almost everyday when I'm out in public someone will ask how old Cole is. Even though he is 2 and a half, I always say 2 (he wears a 9-12 month old sized clothing). Still strangers say "Oh, really!?" And I've just come to expect it. I try not to discuss it any more as it's complicated. He doesn't have true dwarfism and no medical providers will use that term on him (can be frustrating) since he has a rare syndrome that causes short stature. ANYWAYS, I can definately relate. If you don't already follow Raising Leah's blog, I think you enjoy it. Leah's mom was just blogging about the same thing yesterday; Doctor’s Visitfrom Raising Leah by Charmaine. Take care, I've really been enjoying your family blog.
I love all of these pictures of your adorable girls.
I hear ya about your post! I get so sick and tired of parents telling their kids (who look the same age as Caden) "oh, look at the baby" - No - he's not a baby. The ignorance of some! I rarely say anything - I don't have time to explain it all. Although sometimes I wish I had a pamphlet to whip out and say, here - read this. Educate yourself.
I just hope we can and are raising Caden to love himself for who he is ... and the comments won't bother him as he grows older!
Danielle, first, I love the pictures, especially the ones from the beach! Second, I very rarely every mention Trace's dwarfism in daily conversation/blog posts/etc. - I refuse to let him be defined by his genetic condition, I guess, plus, most of the time, we don't even think about it - it's just Trace. But, as he has gotten a little older and it is more obvious, I find myself stating "Trace will be three in April, he has dwarfism" much more - I guess it's more obvious now and I don't let people stare or something completely insentitive that we would all regret! (If it is someone that I'm chatting with about other things). Now I've gotta go read your other posts - I'm so behind!
Great post! I totally understand how you feel. Sometimes I'm happy to talk about it, and other times I just ignore people. I agree with Destini that I don't want Parker to be defined by his dwarfism. Although, sometimes I consider just lying about his age.
Ok first off as always adorable pictures. I am with Destini and I have said it a lot on POLP Preston has achon-achon does not define him. The other day he was sleeping in his stroller. He is built pretty stocky for a little guy and two women on line at macy's were like, "My God is he a big boy! What a big guy you have." This comes around a lot because 1) he is sotcky and 2) they just think he is a big version of a younger kid. I laughed and said you should see him when he stands up. He is tiny. They asked how old he was. I said Just turned three. They said oh well he looks like a healthy adorable kid. Ok....
I must admit I HATE the word dwarf. hate it. It reminds me of Snow White. I have maybe used it like twice. I say Preston has dwarfism, but I just don't like the word. Preston is kind of a stumper. Here is this pint sized kid that talks in full sentences. I know wheels are turning, but sometimes I don't feel the need to elaborate. I have found in VA more people seem intereted where in NY no gives a damn if you have a spear through your head.
I also loved Sarah's comment-why do you have to say "Big head" "so small" I mean really! You would never say that about someone's weight!
Ok so now that I have written a novel...Peyton is Peyton. Preston is Preston, even a whole head smaller than everyone at school (except the toddlers and infants!) LOL!
Cat and I went bridesmaid dress shopping about 10 months before Anne's wedding. In the bridal shop Owen was wall walking and the clerk came up to us and knelt down by Owen and said, "He's a Little Person isn't he?" It was so great. She just started talking to us and it was just a no big deal type of conversation...very refreshing. Turns out her best friend's son is a Little Person so she was so matter of fact. It was great. I don't have any qualms at all about telling people Owen is a Little Person if his size ever comes up. I figure it's a good educational opportunity and the more people who know the better. I know he's perfect as are all the perfect children we've met blogging!!! P.S....MY Andrew is perfect too and he's AH...go figure!
It really surprises me when you get a random person ask you questions about your child. & The comments about how small they are do get old. Somedays I will try to educate someone that has stopped us & asks questions and somedays I just kinda blow it off & smile & walk away. Its not that I'm trying to hide anything it's just that sometimes you can kinda tell if someone is gonna understand or not. & it can be draining trying to explain it to someone that 'doesnt get it'! I guess we all will develop our own ways of dealing with other people and their comments!
Danielle, for me it depends on the situation. If I am in a hurry and someone says "he is so cute, so little, I will just smile and walk away. Usually though if I am not in a hurry that is my chance to come out and educate. I do have to say that since Little People, Big World has been out more and more people recognize his features and don't really think twice about it.
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