I had just read this on another blog this morning...and then Tonya tagged me! So here goes...
10 Years Ago, I...
1. Had just met my future husband
2. Was in my last year of college
3. Lived in beautiful Newark, NJ...
4. ...in a room the size of a walk-in closet.
5. Drove a 1998 Mustang
5 Things on Today's To-Do List...(I'll do tomorrow, since I'm about to go to bed:)
1. Drive Laynie to school and pick her up
2. Do laundry (everyday)
3. Go to target
4. Do some homework
5. Change lots of diapers
5 Things I would do if I were a Millionaire...
1. Buy a house on the water
2. Pay off my school loans
3. Ensure my kids futures (college, weddings, etc.)
4. Buy more Disney vacation club points
5. Go on a trip throughout Europe
5 Places I have lived...
1. Toms River, NJ
2. Newark, NJ
3. Palm Harbor, FL
4. Trinity, FL
5. Trinity, FL (different house, same town)
5 Jobs I have had
1. Office assistant in a parks and recreation office
2. Draftsperson in an architecture firm
3. Manager/cook/cleaner in a campus pub
4. Waitress/Hostess
5. TA for college courses at USF
Hmmm...I tag...Kim (Preston), Cat (Owen), Sarah (Kaela), Emily (Seamus) and Charmaine (Leah)!