Friday, May 23, 2008

Laynie's Graduation

Laynie graduated from preschool on Wednesday! She is so excited to start Kindergarten in the fall.


Jennifer said...

This appaers to be a Catholic school. Am I correct? Congratulations Laynie. Kindergarten will be so much fun. I know because I used to teach Kindergarten many, many years ago! At a Catholic school no less!

Danielle said...

Hi Jennifer! Yes, it is a Catholic pre-school, my 2-year old is going there as well. But Laynie will be attending a public elementary school.
Good job noticing the details in the pics!!

Tonya said...

Congrats Laynie! I cried when our oldest went to Kindgartern, all the moms looked at me like I was nuts. Hannah was a bit easier, I had to push her into the door!

Your girls are adorable!!! Can I add you to my blog roll? YEAH!!!!